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    Core-making machines (cold-box technology)

    Core-making machines (Hot-box technology)

    Core-making machines

    Themachines are designed to produce sand cores from sand-resin mixturesbysand-blowing method.

    Core-making machines (cold-box technology)

    The machines are designed to produce castingsand cores from sand-resin mixtures, solidified bygaseous catalyzers blowing in cold boxes.

    Characteristics / Model 4749Б1К2 4751Б1К2 4753Б1К1 4752Б2К1 4747У2(3)Б2К1 4760УБ2К1 4768Б2К1 4785Б2К1*
    Weight of a core, kg(max) 6 10 32 25 90 150 130 80
    Productivity, cycles/hour 60-80 55-60 25-40 40-50 30-35 20-30 20-30 20-30
    Coreboxparting vertical horizontal
    Size of core box, mm 400×320 ×200 540×300 × 320 900×450 ×320 580×580 ×170 960×850×440 (1120×850×385) 1600×1180 ×570 1120×930 ×580 1120×850 ×395
    Installed power, kW 5 5-9 17 11 19 19 18,4 19
    Overall dimensions, mm 1850×1590 ×2660 2260×2685 ×3045 4495×3520 ×3700 5800×4500 ×3200 5720×5900 ×4240 8180×7500 ×5230 7700×7500 ×5900 5500×6000 ×3500
    Weight, kg 3200 5000 12000 9000 17500 22000 15150 16000

    *withpull-outcore box

    Casting Example

    core example (cold-box technology) core example 2 (cold-box technology)

    Core-making machines (Hot-box technology)

    The machines are designed to produce cores with solidification in heated rigging with vertical or horizontal partingof core box.

    Characteristics / Model 4749А1Э2 4753А1Э1 4748А1Э1 4758А2Э1 4752А2Э1 4753А2Э1 4754А2Э1 4747А2Э1 4757А2Э1
    Weight of a core, kg(max) 6 25 25 6 12 25 50 50 100
    Size of core box, mm 400×320 ×200 900× 350 × 320 700× 680 × 360 400×320 ×200 580× 480 × 240 900× 450 ×290 1080× 780 × 290 920× 850 ×365 1280× 780 × 290
    Coreboxparting vertical horizontal
    Duration of cycle, sec. 18 30 30 22 28 30 35 35 35
    Consumption of airper cycle, m3 0,25 0,3 0,45 0,25 0,25 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,8
    Overall dimensions, mm 1850×1590 ×2660 4495×3520 ×3705 4120×3520 ×2920 1850×1590 ×2690 3875×3195 ×3730 4865×3040 ×4125 5270×3310 ×4055 5520×5265 ×3925 6235×3400 ×4730
    Weight, kg 2700 7000 6900 2500 5150 11200 10500 14200 14000

    Casting Example core example (hot-box technology)